— Industrial Cleaning Services —


At Vortex Cleaning, we take pride in our wide range of machinery and deep understanding of all aspects of cleaning, making us well-equipped to handle even the most challenging and complex projects with ease. Our expertise and resources put us ahead of other cleaning companies and allow us to deliver exceptional results on every job. 

Warehouse Cleaning

Warehouse Cleaning

Cleaning a large and bustling space, such as a warehouse, can present unique challenges. At Vortex Cleaning, we understand this and work closely with you to minimise disruptions while delivering a top-notch cleaning service. 

Factory Cleaning

Maintaining a clean and dust-free factory is crucial for maintaining efficiency, preserving product quality, and reducing manufacturing costs. Our dedicated teams are equipped to tackle even the toughest and hard-to-reach areas to ensure your factory stays in top condition. 

high level factory cleaning

Gutter Clearance

Clogged gutters can quickly become unsightly and even cause damage over time, with the build-up of dirt, grime, and foliage. Regular cleaning and maintenance can eliminate these issues. Our experienced teams utilise specialised equipment, either from the ground or using MEWP access, to achieve the best possible results. 

Cladding Cleaning

Maintaining the appearance of your property and protecting its structural walls from the elements are crucial. Regular cladding cleaning is essential to achieving both. By ensuring the cladding stays in good condition, you can prevent damage and preserve its longevity. 

Road Sign Cleaning

Proudly working alongside local councils and highway maintenance teams, Vortex Cleaning follows all health and safety legislation as we work to keep road signs clean and clear. Working throughout the night to minimise the impact on the public isn’t a problem for our dedicated teams. 

road sign cleaning telford